Équipement et logiciel pour des études géophysiques: conception, fabrication, soutien, fourniture

Crosshole Seismic Testing (CST) for Studying the Section at the Construction Sites of Highly Sensitive Facilities

A. Oshkin (Neogen LLC), V. Ignatev (Geodevice LLC), A. Konkov (Geodevice LLC, Saint Petersburg University), N. Ragozin (Institute “Orgenergostroy”), A. Shuvalov* (Saint Petersburg University)


Crosshole seismic testing (CST) is a very informative tool for determining the structure and characteristics of the medium, and is generally used for studies under highly sensitive facilities such as nuclear power plants. 

At the dawn of its formation (beginning of the 20th century), CST was labour-consuming (Lee, 1994) both from the point of view of performing field works (single- or small-channel seismic stations required significant time to perform a full-ray survey of interwell space) and from the point of view of processing (first calculation methods did not deploy tomographic principles, then computations were carried out using simplified schemes on direct rays and so on). But now with the appearance of multichannel stations and modern computer programs the CST working procedures have become a fast and convenient instrument for studying rocks. 

This work presents an example of CST method realization carried out on the site of the planned construction of the nuclear power plant.  


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