Équipement et logiciel pour des études géophysiques: conception, fabrication, soutien, fourniture


Real-time interactive QC of land 3D seismic in the forthcoming RadExPro 2017.1 (31.03.2017)
Interactive QC of 3D land seismic in RadExPro (31.03.2017)
Seismic Refraction Data Analysis in RadExPro 2016 (Plus-Minus) (26.12.2016)
Demultiple of single-channel boomer data in RadExPro 2016 (26.12.2016)
MASW in RadExPro 2016 (28.11.2016)
Welcome to the brand new RadExPro 2016.2 main window! (5.07.2016)
Seismic data before and after ShaprSeis processing (13.10.2014)
MASW (Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Wave) in the RadExPro seismic software (3.05.2012)
Marine seismic processing: suppression of multiples on high-resolution single-channel marine seismic data without disturbing primary reflections using RadExPro software (12.05.2011)
Refraction seismic processing in RadExPro software: automatic inversion of first breaks. (15.02.2011)
Reflection seismic processing in the RadExPro software  (16.02.2010)